Beating the Winter Blues

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Contributed by Angela Cleveland

The sky is cloudy, the roads are wet and muddy, small insignificant piles of snow can be seen in the shadows. Winter is not truly here, yet spring is so far away. During these dreary days, certain foods can help us feel more cheerful. One way is to control your blood sugar. Eating every 4 to 5 hours during the day, getting enough soluble fiber, and eating foods rich in omega 3 fats, folic acid, B12 and vitamin D are some ways to beat the winter blues.


Here are 10 “happy foods” that will help (adapted from

1. Wild salmon (rich in omega 3 fats and vitamin D)
2. Spinach (rich in folic acid and soluble fiber)
3. Skim milk (rich in Vitamin D and B12)
4. Ground flaxseeds (rich soluble fiber, omega 3 fats and folic acid)
5. Blackberries (rich in soluble fiber and folic acid)
6. Omega 3 fortified eggs (rich in omega 3 fats, Vitamin D and B12)
7. Sardines (rich in omega 3 fats and Vitamin D)
8. Soybeans (rich in soluble fiber, folic acid and omega 3 fats)
9. Beans (rich in soluble fiber and folic acid)
10. Brussels sprouts (soluble fiber and folic acid)



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