Coffee Facts - Part 1

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Contributed by Angela Cleveland

Available to us each week in our baskets is fresh, organic, fair trade, shade-grown coffee.

We are all familiar with the benefits of organic products, but what exactly is “fair trade” and “shade-grown” coffee?

According to Oxfam America (, fair trade coffee is an alternative approach to the coffee market. Currently, there are over 25 million coffee farmers who are struggling to survive. While a cup of coffee can cost us up to $4.00, many of these farmers do not make that amount in one day. The Fair Trade system ensures that the profits are put back into the hands of the farmers. The farmers who are involved in this system are guaranteed a “floor price” for their coffee, which can be three or four times what other farmers, who are not involved in this program, would be offered. By buying fair trade coffee, we are supporting these small-scale, traditional farms and helping to put money back into the associated communities.

Read next weeks article to learn about “shade grown” coffee, proper storage techniques, and for more delicious coffee recipes.

Coffee Preparation tips:

Coffee is perishable, so try to make a cup as soon as possible after opening the packet.

Coffee can pick up odours, so store it in an air-tight container.

The general rule-of-thumb is to use two level teaspoons of coffee to six ounces water.

For best taste, be sure your coffee is fresh and your coffeemaker is clear. Lime deposits that build up in the pot can be removed with a strong solution of vinegar and water.

Always use cold water as hot water from the tap can pick up impurities from the pipes.





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